457 Changes And The Transitional Arrangement

FAQs on 457 visa changes and Transitional Arrangement For Eligible 457 visa holders


 Q: I am a 457 visa holder and I noticed that my occupation has been removed from the new lists (i.e. the STSOL and MLTSSL). What does this mean to me?

A: Your 457 visa is to remain in force until its expiry date. You must still comply with your visa conditions. However, you may be eligible apply for a TSS visa before your 457 visa expires. Please see here for the information of the related visa grant criteria. 


Q: I am a 457 visa holder and I think I am eligible to apply for a 186/187 visa after working 2 years for my sponsor. Am I still able to do this?

A: You are likely to be able to have the access to the transitional arrangement which means that you will be subject to the old laws as long as you apply for your permanent visa via the Temporary Resident Transitional Stream before 18 March 2022. 


Q: I have an undecided 457 visa application lodged with the Immigration Department as of 18 April 2017, will I be affected?

A: You are likely to be able to have the access to the transitional arrangement (similar to above) as long as your 457 visa has been granted subsequently.


Q: I am an international student who intends to apply for the new TSS visa after graduation. Will I have any prospect of success?

The TSS visa which will replace the 457 visa from March 2018 requires a prospective visa applicant to possess at least two year work experience in the relevant field. We think that upon graduation some international students should consider applying for a graduate (485) visa that lasts for between two and four years (i.e. the post-study work stream).


Q: I am a 417 Working Holiday Visa/462 Work and Holiday Visa holder at the moment and I want to apply for a TSS visa. Will I have any prospect of success?

The answer is similar. The most important change is that you will need to have at least two years work experience in your field after March 2018 to be eligible for the grant of a TSS visa.  

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